ABC’ing to the Zzzzz

January 31, 2012 by Sarah

C is for Catch-Up, folks! And boy, do I have some of it for you! For those of you who don’t remember, way back oh, about 2 months ago I guess, I decided to have a fun challenge to keep myself blogging everyday. The idea was to use the ABCs to inspire. I think maybe it didn’t work out that well.  BUT! I hate to keep a project unfinished so here is our winter thus far, as told to you in alphabetical order. Enjoy!

A is for Anglican, which is where we are worshipping while here… (mostly)

B is for Buche de Noel, which was nearly a disaster because it needs whipped cream inside, and I thought I had bought whipping cream, but had actually bought condensed milk, which doesn’t whip. trust me, we tried. And the reason I did that? Because they have the same name here in Russia, you just have to know your fat percentages. Hello! If I knew my fat percentages I wouldn’t be in this sized clothing…

B is for Birthday Blinis…

C is for Calico Critter Cottage that we made for Sadie as a Christmas present…

D is for Decorating to make a place a home…

E is for Everyone loves our new wall… (yes, I know it’s weak, what can I say?)

E is for electrical lights are so pretty when it is glum outside of GUM…

F is for Fur hat, thank you very much Grandmother, I wear it every week with a smile and sometimes red lipstick that would make you proud…

F is for Frosty the snow midget…

G is for Gorky Park outdoor ice rink which we’ll be trying out as soon as we can get our balance…

G is for Gingerbread, ummm, House?

H is for Happy New Year’s from Red Square…

H is for Headscarf to keep out the wind, tied Babushka-style…

I is for I spy an ice ramp, can we please go down it? Sure, why not? the baby is sleeping…

J is for Jackets that are thick and warm mean more time to play…

K is for Kolomenskoye…

L is for LOVE…

M is for Mastering the art of Russian posing, or at least trying to…

N is for Noses that keep warm when we’re bundled together…

O is for Orthodox church, quaint and beautiful, on our way to worship…

P is for Papas who protect while giving room to grow (the lighting was bad so you have to look really hard, but Travis is there)…

P is for Perilous Perehud, the only way to cross under some of the streets and why I hate using a stroller here…

Q is for (not) Quitting in spite of all the falls…

R is for Roasting marshmallows over snowy campfires…

 S is for Sledding for Thomas’ birthday at Kolomenskoye…

S is for Snow angels…

S is for Snow Shoveling…

S is for Snow breaks…

T is for THOMAS who turned eleven…

 U is for Under the magical spell of snowy trees…

V is for Viewing and laughing hysterically at the iphone… (yep, another weak one)

W is for Wool leggings with a big ole ruffle butt…

X is for the XL snow hill the kids like to sled down…

Y is for YOU are so stinking cute even when you don’t want me to take your picture anymore…

Z is for Zamboni…