Back in the Saddle

July 28, 2011 by Sarah

Not the horse kind, but rather the bike kind. Ouch!

We haven’t been biking much lately; in fact, it’s probably been a month since our last biking trek. But we decided to take advantage of the heat wave that had invaded D.C. and off we went! It was Sunday afternoon, and there were thunderstorms predicted, which we hoped meant that we might get a cool breeze along the way. Our plan was to just do a quick and easy ride over to Arlington Cemetery, walk around for a bit and then head home.

The only problem? Well, like I said, it had been a while since our last bike ride and Travis and I had managed to get what seemed like super out of shape in the meantime. Really, folks, I thought I was going to throw up a few times! So we stopped for a water break. Then we stopped for a catch-your-breath break. Then another water break. I think you get the picture.

The good thing about going out in 96 degree weather is that the Mt. Vernon trail was the most barren we’ve ever seen it on a weekend. The other good thing was that even though it was hot, it wasn’t nearly as hot as it had been in the days preceding our ride and there was a coolish breeze blowing.  Also, as it was nearing dusk, the geese along the Potomac were out in full force. I thought I was going to hit one, but managed to avoid him.

Here are some pics:

The kids running after the geese
My bike taking a break- haha!
This is how we roll, baby! 

Helen is really adorable when she’s riding in her ibert. She likes to wave to the other people on the trail, which gets us a lot of smiles and waves along the way.  That’s especially nice when you’ve been irritating other “professional” type bicyclists who think the trail is only for people going more than 35 miles an hour.