The little things

February 8, 2011 by Sarah

I’m sorry to have been absent from my blog for so long. I’ve been mentally blogging, and as a result I have about 3 blogs I need to get out there. I haven’t been physically blogging because, well, frankly, I’ve been so caught up with the Big Things: Organizing. Getting Rid Of Stuff. Remodeling A Bathroom, which involved Picking Out Paint & Tile & Sinks & Faucets & Deciding If We Should Make Our Small Closet Smaller to Have A Bigger Shower. (the answer was yes!)

And in the midst of all those Big Things I took the kids for a walk. and we enjoyed some of the little things:

a cool breeze amid the warm sun
sun-dappled flowers beside a  smooth stream
And throwing sticks into the water.

And when we came home the Long List of Big Things was still waiting for me, and the Banging of A Remodel was still loud about the house. But when the night came, and I snuggled close to sweet baby Helen to nurse her to sleep, I noticed with fresh eyes the smallness of her hands, and appreciated the Great Big Love of God who lets me hold and care for tender small people.

It’s been a tricky balancing act to take care of so many big things, and stay on top of a to-do list that is added onto daily, while the days trot by, and at the same time remembering to notice the little things.

Because in the end, the little things are really some of the biggest.

p.s. These pictures were all taken at a little bayou that runs along the back of our neighborhood. We lived here for about 5 years before we found it, and it really isn’t hidden. It has since become our favorite Nature Walk and seeing it change with the seasons has been a bright spot on many difficult days. Isn’t it funny how sometimes you have this place of immense beauty just around the corner and you’ve walked past it dozens or hundreds of times without ever seeing it. This little bayou has become a part of our hearts and family life that I have loved.