The Move to Moscow: A Story in Pictures

September 27, 2011 by Sarah

I’m not one of those bloggers who is great at inserting photos in each post so your eyes don’t glaze over as you sift through all the wordy words. Sorry about that. Today I hope to make up for it, because frankly I’m all wordy-worded out right now. So, here’s the story of our recent move to Moscow as told through some pictures that really aren’t that great. Maybe I’ll improve on the whole picture thing. Hahaha.

Once upon a time there were many empty bags just waiting to be filled with something and fill them I did. With sweaters and undies and shampoo and vitamin C and sheets and towels and books and papers and shower curtain rings.
One day the time came for the bags to be tested: they would be hauled and mauled and at the airport  I would transfer heavy shampoo bottles and medicines from the enormous bags which were overweight by10-15 pounds to the smaller duffles which had weight allowance still left in them but no room. So out went the toilet papers and trash bags and in went the heavy lotions and all that. Yes, socks were rolling at the ticket counter, but I managed to keep the undies under wraps.
With all the gigantic bags (and the dog!) gone from sight, we sat to wait for the plane to be ready for us. Thomas got to bid a fond farewell to friends stateside. I’m catching glimpses of teenager-hood.
On the plane we all took turns keeping little Helen happy. We weren’t totally successful but after the dinner carts rolled through she slept for nearly 6 hours. Big kids slept for about 4. Big adults got about an hour. 
But eventually we got to our new home!!!! This is the girls’ room. Boy was I glad I brought clean soft sheets!
These are my our closets!
This is the Master Bedroom. For the first time in about a decade there will be no baby sleeping here, at least not regularly. Wowsers. For now no one is sleeping in there because we have no bed for about another month. 
This is the entryway. Nice hardwoods. Stairs that cause my heart to stop when Helen tries to go down them on her own.
Isn’t that scary????!? Oh, I guess it’s a little cute, too.
The view of the communal backyard. Pretty, no?
Thomas’ Half Bedroom. No, seriously. It’s so small that it’s actually called a half bedroom. Not that he minds, I mean, he’s got his own room for the first time in his 10 year old life! And that’s a Queen size bed, so it will be the guest bedroom as well when you come moms and dads.
Half Bedroom’s half closet.
Thomas’ Bathroom- also for guests. I made that curtain– the night before the packout– oh, yeah, don’t you know that drove Travis crazy?! But then I packed that curtain, the liner, the bath mat, the curtain rings IN OUR LUGGAGE! So on day one, it was looking like a real home. And don’t you know Travis was caught more than once gazing at the pretty bathroom, feeling all proud of his wifey-poo!
The kitchen. This is a before picture cause you know I’ll be making it cuter.
The dining room. But since then we’ve moved some furniture and it looks WAY better.
Same deal for the living room. Way better now. But you’ll have to wait to see the improvements until I get this place more decorated.
The street where we live. Uh, inside the walls.
Outside the walls- it’s MOSCOW! Well, like I said don’t be expecting great photos just yet, this is just on the way to one of the grocery stores.
Well looky there! Nicky made it. He was a little jet-lagged too. And it looks like he matches the carpet. I totally didn’t plan that.