December 7, 2011 by Sarah
This is my B post, as in the letter B, as in the second letter of the alphabet, as I blog in the order of the alphabet. Ahem.
Before 7 a.m. I usually breastfeed Helen, who is now almost 21 months old. And yes, the nursing is still going strong, though she is night-weaned except in cases of illness.
Before 10 a.m. the sun is not visible. It stays dark here a long time and while I thought I might have a problem with that, it turns out I LOVE IT! I mean, really, I get to see the sun rise (on the days when it rises as opposed to the days when it hides behind a veil of grey clouds all day) every day. And I’ve done stuff before-hand, so I feel productive, even if I didn’t get up until 8:30 or 9. Ha!
Before 11 a.m. I will usually see Travis for a coffee break, which means I have to make the coffee before then.
Before I can make coffee, I have to wipe down the counters (why the dish fairy doesn’t do that I have NO IDEA! If you see him, please tell him I like the counters clean as part of doing the dishes). Oh, and I have to clean the coffee pot out, because for some reason the dish fairy usually forgets about how important coffee is.
Before Helen can sit down for a meal, she has to take off her ballet tutu. It’s the only time I can get it off of her without a fight. That girl likes to be clean!
Before I can eat three bites of a meal I usually have to get up from the table about four times- for water, for napkins, because someone forgot to give me a fork… oh, for salt! These people like salt!
Before 5 p.m. is a better time than after 5 p.m. to start thinking about dinner.
Before 9 p.m. I start feeling super sleepy. Then I perk up and can’t sleep until after midnight or 1 a.m. What is up with that!?!!
Before I can take a bath I have to clean out the bathtub. I hate doing that. I need a maid.
Before I go to bed I check my email and blog and read a devotional and play a game on my iphone. Sorry if I haven’t been keeping up with some of you on Words With Friends lately. I sometimes get so tired by then I can’t think of any good words. Or any words at all.
Before I go to sleep I open the window a little for background noise and so I don’t get too hot. Yes, we live in Moscow, but I think our place is really well insulated.
Before the morning the wind has pushed the window open too much and I’m cold and I don’t want to get out of bed.
Before I can lazily wake up Helen calls out, “Maaaaaaaama!” pause. “Maaaaaaaaaaaama!” and I get up to nurse her and try to convince her to go back to sleep, preferably until 10. That doesn’t work so after she nurses, she plays in her room while I lay there and pretend to sleep for a little while longer. After all, why should people get up before the sun?
Oh, we’re back to the beginning. Well, read it again if you want, but as for me, I think I will check email now and then, oh, wait you already know all that. Good night!