February 13, 2012 by Sarah
Just walked the dog. Anyone who knows me gets what’s in that sentence. But, in addition to all the usual love I have for our dog, this time it took 20 minutes. Why?
Because I have to put boots on him,
then put on my snow bibs,
and down jacket,
and gloves,
and ear muffs.
Oh, and snow boots. Duh!
Today it snowed all afternoon which meant lots of pretty, powdery soft snow- that one sinks into when one is running as fast as possible to the dog run.
The dog pees in the doggie area, then sniffs around, goofing off.
I run with him back home, but I’m running so fast I miss our house (again, for those of you who know how much I run, I am sure you’re enjoying this image).
So, I turn around to go back home and he suddenly puts. on. the. brakes.
Because he needs to poop. Right outside our neighbor’s windows. (Hi Neighbors! Yes, that was me stooping to pick up my dog’s poop right where the kids like to play. But don’t worry, I got it all, along with big chunks of snow to pack it all in real good.)
And I can’t get the baggie opened through my gloves, so I have to take one off to open the top of the bag. Once I figure out which end has the opening. Does that ever happen to you at the grocery store?
Oh, did I mention yet that it is -9F right now? Yea.
Glove back on.
Pick up his business, muttering a few bad words to him for NOT pooping in the poop yard. I don’t think he heard me. Or cares.
Now I go running back to the doggie yard, swinging my bag of fresh, frozen poop to deposit in the trash can provided.
And once again, running with the dog back home. Y’all, I am such a bad runner. You know that episode of Friends in which Rachel is making fun of Phoebe because of how she’s running in public. Yep.
Well, maybe someone watching any surveillance feeds got a kick out of it. Lord knows they need a little humor. (You’re Welcome). Just kidding….
We go inside, where I leash him to the door
while I get off my gear,
then his boots,
then dry him
with a towel.

Funny thing was, as I was drying him off I realized that I do actually love that dog. And I think it was because I had to do all that work to take care of him.
And then I thought about the children all asleep in their beds and all the work I put into them ev-er-y-day-, and I wondered if all that work makes me love them all the more.
I think it does.